It is our mission to help people compost. Through our services, educational programs and engagement in our local community, we seek to motivate each person we connect with to take action for a sustainable future.
Learn how to Compost

Home composting can be intimidating, but we've broken it down for you. Our self-guided course gives you all the information you need to know when starting your yard pile

Get Personalized Coaching

Speak directly with one of our Compost Coaches to solve any of your compost questions and issues.

Train Your Employees

Understanding the basics of composting & why it is important, is key to implementing a successful composting program at your school or business. We provide training options tailored to your needs.

Whether you are a business looking to train your employees on organics separation, a homeowner looking to start backyard composting, or an experienced composter with some some questions, we have solutions for whatever you are compost curious about.